Sunday, October 23, 2011

Flowers in Season October 23-29

The Pansy
Viola Wittrockiana


Pansies represent the THOUGHTS of lovers, shared before a word is spoken.

Named for the French word for "thought" (pensee), the pansy was said to be a charmed flower, possessing a telepathic magic. Attending to the plucked bloom, you could hear your lover's thoughts.
Familiarly called johnny-jump-ups, pansies were widely culitvated in the nineteeth century. A perfect pansy, it was thought, had a deep clear color, and circular skirt, a verigated fringe, and a single, bright, central eye.

-The Meaning of Flowers. Myth, Language & Lore by Gretchen scoble and Ann Fields


  1. Love the new blog design!!

  2. fantastic photo. the colors are stunning to look at. I just might try to make this in sugar to go along with the daffodils I have.


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